“PLEVEN AGRO CONSULT” LTD is created in 2007 its main subject of activity is consultancy on EU programs and trade in agricultural machinery and goods.
Since 2010 the company is also engaged with trade in agricultural machinery, seeds and fertilizers. Commercial and warehouse facilities are located in Gorna Mitropolia village, region Pleven. We work all over the country, having offices in several cities – Sofia, Pleven, Stara Zagora and Yambol.
We consult manufacturing enterprises, farmers and other business entities in the preparation of investment projects and business plans when applying for subsidies under the European Union’s Rural Development Program and other sources of funding from international organizations.
Our strategy is to offer our clients complex and innovative solutions – from consultation to supply farm machinery, seeds and fertilizers.
Stefan Stoyanov has been the owner and executive director of Pleven Agro Consult EOOD since 2014. He has been working in the field of agriculture since 1998. dealing with grain production in the region of Pleven. Since 2006 until 2013 he works in the State Fund Agriculture in the department of Authorization of payments under the Sapard program. He also works in the contracting department under the RDP 2007-2013. Responsible for the evaluation of projects under both programs and for the payment of funds under them.
He is an economist by education and graduated from the Economic College in Stara Zagora. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of National and World Economy – Sofia. He completed his master’s degree in business administration at the American University in Bulgaria. He also completed a second master’s degree in Agribusiness at Agrar University – Plovdiv.
He introduces the technology for storage in bags in the agricultural company ET “Helga – Svetla Stoyanova”, in which he is a manager. Responsible directly for sales and logistics. Participates in the preparation of articles in bagging technology and other areas for the newspaper and website “Bulgarian Farmer”.
Evgeny Jekov has a degree in economics. He graduated from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia in 2004 with a degree in Business Management. He started working in the Agricultural State Fund in 2003 and was responsible for the acceptance and approval of the SAPARD Projects. Later he was an expert in the Payment Authorization Department in the Rural Development Program. He was also responsible for the evaluation and project payments, as well as for the audits of funding sites.
Since 2010 he works in Pleven Agro Consult LTD as a consultant on the measures of the Rular Development Program.
In 2013 he participated as an external evaluator of projects in the Rural Development Program at the SNC Local Initiative Group Breznik town.
Liubomira Ilieva Tonkova becomes a part of the team of Pleven Agro Consult LTD in the begini of 2015. She graduated Bachelor degree in Business Management “University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Plovdiv.
Neven Radoslavov Popov
Neven Radoslavov Popov is a part of the team of Pleven Agro Consult LTD since 2008. He graduated Business Administration and Management in the Technical University in Gabrovo. He also graduated Economics of the Economy in Technical University Vienna. He has extensive experience in the field of agriculture, due to his work in the National Milk Fond, Regional association of Dairy and Meat Producers – Yambol and Breeding Association of Brown cattle in Bulgaria.
He participated in numerous trainings and courses for the implementation of the European and national legislation under the Rural Development Program in Germany and Belgium. He successfully completed training in consulting, organized by State Fund Agriculture.
Nikolay Nikolov
Technical Manager
Nikolay Nikolov has been in the team of Pleven Agro Consult EOOD and Helga – Svetla Stoyanova ET for more than 12 years. He graduated from the Technical School of Mechanical Engineering – Pleven. He has extensive experience in the field of machine maintenance. Has been working with vehicles and agricultural machinery for 25 years. He has been working with the technology of storing grain in bags for 5 years.
He has participated in trainings and courses for operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Responsible for the service and maintenance of machines imported in Bulgaria, as well as for those available on the farm of the company.
Stefan Palovski
Technical specialist
Stefan Palovski has been in the team of Pleven Agro Consult EOOD and Helga – Svetla Stoyanova ET for 8 years. He graduated from the Technical School of Construction and Road Machinery – Pleven. He has experience in the field of operating agricultural machinery. He has been working with the technology of storing grain in bags for 5 years.
He has participated in trainings and courses for operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Responsible for the service and maintenance of machines imported in Bulgaria, as well as for those available on the farm of the company. Responsible for customer training with grain storage machines in bags.
Svilen Iliev
Technical specialist
Svilen Iliev has been in the team of Pleven Agro Consult EOOD and Helga – Svetla Stoyanova ET for 2 years. He graduated from the Technical School of Civil Engineering and Architecture – Pleven in 2001. He has experience in the field of operation of agricultural machinery. He has been working with the technology of storing grain in bags for 2 years.
He has participated in trainings and courses for operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Responsible for the service and maintenance of machines imported in Bulgaria, as well as for those available on the farm of the company. Performs customer training activities with grain storage machines in bags.
Andrey Yotov
Administrative Secretary
Andrey Yotov has been in the team of Pleven Agro Consult EOOD and Helga – Svetla Stoyanova ET for 12 years. He graduated from the Technical School of Motor Transport – Pleven. He has extensive experience in the field of administrative work. He worked as an administrative secretary in the local municipal administration.
He has participated in trainings and courses on bag storage technology. Responsible for the administrative activities in the company, logistics, insurances and etc.
Petya Ivanova
Office Manager
In 2014 she graduated Bachelor degree in Economics, a year later she graduated Master’s degree in Finance at Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov. She started working in February 2015 in Pleven Agro Consult LTD. She works in the office in Pleven. Her work consists in preparation of all necessary documents for submitting project proposals and payment requests.
“When work is a pleasure, anything can be achieved. I like my work, it motivates me to achieve my goals, and when I succeed I feel great. Motivation is what makes us move forward. If motivation is missing at work or in life nothing will be done right.”